Contact us today at (917) 512-1332 or email to request a consultation with the law office of Mariia Khorun, Esq., a New York and Ukrainian small business attorney.
Contact us today at (917) 512-1332 or email to request a consultation with the law office of Mariia Khorun, Esq., a New York and Ukrainian small business attorney.
New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) is a nonprofit legal services provider in NYC. You can email your immigration questions to NYLAG:
Нью-Йоркська Група Правової Допомоги - неприбуткова юридична фірма у м. Нью-Йорк, яка надає безкоштовну імміграційну допомогу. Ви можете надсилати своє імміграційне питання цій організації:
Ukraine Immigration Task Force is a nonprofit organization that provides educational materials to disaplced Ukrainans. Please familiarize yourself with many a resource this ogranization has developed since its formation in 2022.
Ukraine Immigration Task Force - неприбуткова організація, яка надає вимушенопереміщеним Українцям корисну імміграційну інформацію. Рекомендуємо ознайомитися зі ресурсами цієї організації:
"Razom" Ukrainians in Americas: United for life.
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It is the intent of The Law Office of Mariia Khorun, PLLC that all information on the website is available for general information purposes only. No information on this website should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Nothing on the website is intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
Disclaimer: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Attorney Advertising.
Phone: (917) 512-1332 Fax: (917) 591-5532